Posted on
January 17, 2024
W2 Realty Team
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buying a home, buying tips, listing agent, real estate, real estate agent, realtor, REALTOR®, Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, selling a home, selling tips, why use a realtor, yqr

What are the benefits of using a REALTOR®?
Whether you’re buying or selling a home, it’s important to understand from the outset how professional representation can help you at every step of the process.
Buying or selling a home is a major financial (and emotional) undertaking and
your REALTOR® is more than just a "salesperson".....we act on your behalf as your advocate, providing you with professional advice and guidance.
While the Internet has opened up a world of information not previously available to consumers, the data on listings available for sale, while interesting, is only relevant in context in our local market. In a competitive market, whether you are buying or selling, you need the most current information about what has sold or is currently for sale, any pertinent changes in pricing, as well as any additional information we have about specific properties beyond the listing details.
The way to ensure you have that information is by enlisting the help of a REALTOR®.

Buying a Home:
As a buyer, there are many advantages to having a REALTOR® work with you:
- We simplify the process of finding you the perfect place by matching up properties that fit with your criteria & arrange all property showings. As buying or selling your home is a very personal transaction, many people tend to feel more comfortable using an agent as a liaison rather than having to deal face to face with potential buyers or sellers. The best part is it doesn't cost you, the buyer, anything to have a REALTOR® work on your behalf as buyer’s agent is compensated via a percentage of the seller’s brokerage commission.
Once we find the right property for you, we will develop a negotiation strategy based on our industry knowledge and experience, facilitate all the contracts and paperwork, as well as negotiate the purchase on your behalf including price, possession, inclusions & any conditions to the purchase.
- We can recommend industry professionals, such as mortgage brokers, certified home inspectors, real estate lawyers, insurance agents, movers, & even proven contractors for any projects that need to be addressed. We will be with you through your home inspection and will help guide you through that process as well.
- We also work closely with all parties involved in your home purchase & ensure that all documents are provided to your Lender & Lawyer.
Selling a Home:
- When you're selling your home, you gain access to the most qualified buyers by being listed on the Multiple Listing Service. Whether you are buying or selling a home, MLS® is your best tool. By having your listing as part of the MLS® system you instantly have all of the REALTORS® in the city considering your property for their qualified buyers as well as national exposure to potential buyers relocating to the Regina area.
- That is really the key....getting it in front of the highest number of people who are actively looking for a property with the same characteristics as yours, in your price range and neighbourhood.
- We are your liaison with other local real estate agents to help promote your property & to work together to help affect a great end result for you!
- One of the most important things we do is to help you price your home correctly through our experience and understanding of the market & comparable sales.
- Great marketing of your property starts with professional photos & video tours. We will arrange that for you and we will help to advise you & give you our recommendations to ensure that your home & yard are photo ready and engaging to potential to buyers.
Because today's home buyers and sellers are so much better informed than in the past, our expertise and ability to communicate that, are becoming much more important. Our profession and the service we provide is evolving and we are becoming as much a "guide" through the process as a "salesperson".
We are your personal representative when you are buying or selling a home and we will be with you every step of the way!
We look forward to working with you & if you have questions about anything real estate, we are here to help! Email us at
Happy House Hunting! Karin & Jen

Posted on
February 22, 2021
W2 Realty Team
Posted in
buying a home, real estate, Real estate agent, regina, Regina,, Regina, Saskatchewan, top selling agents Regina, top selling agents yqr, YQR
What are the Typical Costs involved in a Home Purchase:
It really just begins with the actual purchase price of your home, so we want you to be prepared for the additional costs that come along with the home buying process.
Here are some of the common items you can expect(some are optional & some may be required by your lawyer or lender):
Home Inspection: Once you find a property, you need to know everything you can about the home — good and bad. Home & Sewer Line Inspections can uncover issues that could impact the purchase price, or slow or stall the sale. These reports are optional, but can help you confirm that this is the home for you and also help prepare for possible projects to be addressed in the future.
A home inspector checks that all major elements in the home are in good working order. A home inspection helps you make a more informed decision about buying a home but is not designed to be a renegotiation necessarily. If a roof needs repairs, you want to know about it right away and if the ducts require cleaning, a normal maintenance item, you want to know about that too!
Average cost is $450.00 plus taxes.
Sewer Line inspection: Optional but we recommend it in most cases, and especially in more established neighbourhoods where sewer lines may be older & where mature trees are the norm, and tree roots may cause blockages. Sewer line issues can be costly to deal with so having this information is valuable prior to completing a home purchase. Average cost is approximately $125.00 plus taxes.
Property appraisal: When you apply for a mortgage, your lender may order an Appraisal to get an estimate of the property's value. You may need one for financing purposes, so factor this into your closing costs. Ask your lender/broker for more information about the costs involved & if they think it will be required for your purchase.
Title insurance: Your lawyer may encourage you to buy an owner's title insurance policy. In some cases, your lender may require a lender's title insurance policy, which is generally at your expense. These title insurance policies protect you and the lender from title fraud, municipal work orders, zoning violations and other property defects. The lawyer usually adds title insurance costs to your legal bill. The average cost is between $185-250.
Property insurance: Property insurance protects you in case of fire and certain other disasters. Your lender requires you arrange property insurance for your home's replacement value. The insurance must be in place before your lender advances the mortgage funds. Cost will depend on your coverage. There are new add-ons to cover your sewer line and replacement protection of items like your appliances, furnace etc. Be sure to ask what options are available to you!
Legal fees and disbursements: These are the final expenses you need to plan for prior to possession of your new home!
After removal of conditions, your lawyer will send you a transaction report which includes copies of all relevant legal papers.
So, for example if you are purchasing a $500,000 property your total legal costs, plus title transfer fees will be approximately:
$1,500.00-1,700 Legal Fees $2,000.00 Land Title Transfer $ ?? Additional Adjustments for Property Taxes, Rental Contracts
Having this information can help you to be prepared for all of the costs that come along with the purchase process, beyond just the purchase price of your new home, so hope there are no surprises along the way!
Happy Home Shopping!
~ Karin & Jen
Posted on
July 12, 2020
W2 Realty Team

JUNE 2020 YQR Real Estate Market Update:
As the province continues to re-open, the real estate sector is experiencing a strong recovery!
Year-over-year sales across the province were up close to 50% from June of last year and down only slightly year-to-date, signalling that we’ve nearly recovered all of the sales lost during the COVID lockdown.
New listings were up almost 8% over June last year and the median home price was up almost 2%.
Total inventory is down indicating that people are eager to buy now and make up for lost time due to the pandemic, which are seeing personally in our business for sure!
Average Days on Market in June was 58, down from 66 days in May.
From our SRA Media Release regarding June 2020 Market Activity:
“This recovery was expected as physical distancing restrictions were loosened and as people’s confidence began to return. With the economy getting back to “normal”, people are getting excited to buy homes.
“We’ve seen properties in some markets sell within days of being listed,” said SRA CEO Jason Yochim. “And we’ve even seen bidding wars start to break out”, suggesting that people are quite motivated to buy and may be willing to pay more than full listing price. “
This could help to further fuel Saskatchewan’s recovery as people feel encouraged to list their properties as activity increases and home prices rise.
Check out the full July 2020 SRA Media Release here!
If you have questions about buying or selling real estate in Regina, or the market in general,feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help!
Happy House Hunting!
~ Karin & Jen

Posted on
April 9, 2020
W2 Realty Team

We know you’re out walking Fido more often than ever right now and that means dodging puddles and coming home with wet or muddy feet...both of you perhaps!
And then there’s just the normal doggy self-care required occasionally to get that pup looking & smelling great!
So if you’re thinking about adding a pet wash station to your home renovation or new home design, check out these 5 great design tips!
PS Double Duty - you can use a pet wash station for cleaning dirty golf clubs, gardening tools and even the kids after a busy day of playing in puddles too! Win win!
- Incorporate the washing station into the mudroom. Mudrooms are a very popular spot for dog wash stations. You normally enter the house from the back or side door, so their muddy paws never have to make it into the rest of the house.
- Include a handheld shower or sprayer. Not only will it help you get your dog's entire body nice and clean, but it will also let you to do a quick paws-only wash.
- Be prepared for the big shake. Anyone who has ever washed dogs knows that afterward they shake off the water with enthusiasm and get the entire area wet (including the person doing the washing). Having a tile surround and floor that can stand up to water will keep the big shake from damaging drywall and floors. If your dog is the type that runs around the house in crazy circles after a bath, we recommend having a door that you can close on your laundry or mudroom until Sparky finishes the big shake! Having towel storage handy is also a great idea!
- Go bigger with the drain. A 3-inch drain is recommended in a pet washing station. It will handle dog hair better than the standard 1½- to 2-inch shower drain. Having a hair filter over the drain is also a great idea!
- Consider an elevated dog bath for smaller pets. It will be easier on your back and knees in the long run, as long as your dog is willing and able to jump into it, or you don't have a problem lifting your pet into place.
We have great working reltionships with local renovation teams & custom home builders in Regina, so don't hesitate to reach out if you are looking for a referral for your next project or build!
As always stay safe & well!
~ Karin & Jen

Posted on
April 8, 2020
W2 Realty Team

We know you’re out walking Fido more often than ever right now and that means dodging puddles and coming home with wet or muddy feet...both of you perhaps!
And then there’s just the normal doggy self-care required occasionally to get that pup looking & smelling great!
So if you’re thinking about adding a pet wash station to your home renovation or new home design, check out these 5 great design tips!
PS Double Duty - you can use a pet wash station for cleaning dirty golf clubs, gardening tools and even the kids after a busy day of playing in puddles too! Win win!
- Incorporate the washing station into the mudroom. Mudrooms are a very popular spot for dog wash stations. You normally enter the house from the back or side door, so their muddy paws never have to make it into the rest of the house.
- Include a handheld shower or sprayer. Not only will it help you get your dog's entire body nice and clean, but it will also let you to do a quick paws-only wash.
- Be prepared for the big shake. Anyone who has ever washed dogs knows that afterward they shake off the water with enthusiasm and get the entire area wet (including the person doing the washing). Having a tile surround and floor that can stand up to water will keep the big shake from damaging drywall and floors. If your dog is the type that runs around the house in crazy circles after a bath, we recommend having a door that you can close on your laundry or mudroom until Sparky finishes the big shake! Having towel storage handy is also a great idea!
- Go bigger with the drain. A 3-inch drain is recommended in a pet washing station. It will handle dog hair better than the standard 1½- to 2-inch shower drain. Having a hair filter over the drain is also a great idea!
- Consider an elevated dog bath for smaller pets. It will be easier on your back and knees in the long run, as long as your dog is willing and able to jump into it, or you don't have a problem lifting your pet into place.
We have great working reltionships with local renovation teams & custom home builders in Regina, so don't hesitate to reach out if you are looking for a referral for your next project or build!
As always stay safe & well!
~ Karin & Jen

Posted on
March 26, 2020
W2 Realty Team

Mind Management may just be as important as hand washing right now as we are all just trying to find normal while self-isolating and working from home. Check out these tips to help you manage anxiety & to help promote postive metal health......we hope you find these tips helpful!
- Protect your mind & your attitude by taking just 5 minutes in the morning and journalling…..we find that writing down even just 5 things that you are grateful for helps to start your day off right! Now's the time to follow pages that provide positive thoughts and articles everyday ...we can't possibly get too much of that right now! Check out one like Marc and Angel Hack Life for daily inspriration.
- Try to maintain normal sleep patterns and daily schedules as much as possible. When we can maintain some of our regular habits, it’s helps us to feel as normal as possible. If you are having trouble sleeping there are a number Apps like "Calm" that be can be helpful.
- Limit your exposure to news and social media if you find it all overwhelming….and who doesn’t honestly! It’s good to be informed of course, but too much information can cause undue anxiety & fear. Consider turning off your notifications for the time being!
- Make time for exercise of some kind every day…even if it’s just a walk around the block to get fresh air. Most gyms are now providing online training so check with yours & there are loads of full length videos available on YouTube so you can work out at home. Active by PopSugar Fitness has provided a free link to al of their workouts....from beginner to advanced, with or without equipment and all types and duration options!
- Lighten up on what you watch….comedies and even mindless TV shows are ok right now to give your mind a break. There are so many steaming options available with loads of content & even some our old favourites on syndicated TV like Friends, Big Bang Theory & Rules of Engagement are on daily marathons right now!
- Stay in touch with friends and family "virtually" or by phone just to check in ….both for them and you! We may be self-isolating but we don’t have to feel isolated because we have the gift of technology that allows us to easily connect!
If you need help, there are resources available, so please reach out! The Saskatchewan Health Care Administration has tools available for you to check out on their website.
Be kind to yourself…and others ….everyone deals with things differently! And you know what, if you don’t feel like keeping up with some things right now it’s ok…we’re all in the same boat and we will all get through this together!
We’re here, working at home for the time being, and we’re always available if you have questions about what’s happening in Regina's real estate market so feel free to connect with us ….we’re happy to hear from you!
~ Karin & Jen
